Constable Care Safety School celebrates 1st birthday!


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Diane Ainsworth
9272 0006  / 041 2000 606

kids on bikes with constable care

More than 8000 students from more than 154 WA primary schools have undertaken life-saving road safety lessons at the Constable Care Safety School in Maylands, since the facility opened one year ago.

The model town, complete with functioning traffic lights, railway crossing and a bus station, was created by Constable Care Child Safety Foundation in an effort to combat the horrific levels of road trauma experienced by children in WA.

“Few people realise that road trauma is a leading cause of death for young people in WA. This is why we must teach children comprehensive road safety skills as early as possible,” said Constable Care Child Safety Foundation CEO David Gribble. “The Constable Care Safety School helps to reduce the number of young people killed or injured on WA roads by using a best-practise early intervention approach.”

On excursion to the Constable Care Safety School students aged 4-11 years divide their time between navigating roads on bicycles, and learning how to safely interact with potential hazards such as oncoming cars, fallen powerlines or being trapped in a rail pedestrian maze. These hazards are simulated using gaming-style augmented reality.

“The augmented reality component is especially exciting as it allows the students to practice facing hazards in a real-life environment, without ever being in danger. This gaming-style approach is very engaging for children and helps them retain these life-saving lessons,” Mr Gribble said.

St Joseph’s Southern Cross Principal Rika Andres said that the excursion was a ‘must’ for all students.

“Our students walked away with a clearer understanding of the various road rules and how to keep themselves safe on the road, particularly whilst riding their bikes around town,” she said.

Constable Care Safety School offers excursions for up to 60 students during the school term, as well as school holiday sessions for the public and out-of-school-care groups. For more information visit or call 9272 0000.