Related Programs
Constable Care Foundation embarks on up to 16 regional tours each year.
“Regional communities often miss out on city-based programs, but the local kids still experience the same social issues and peer pressures as their peers in metropolitan areas.” said Constable Care Foundation’s CEO David Gribble.
As a state-wide service Constable Care Foundation ensures WA country children don’t miss out on important safety education.
We understand that the issues facing country kids are the same as their city peers. That’s why we have all corners of our vast state covered.
From the Kimberly to the Pilbara, the Goldfields to the Great Southern and the South West, Youth Choices helps secondary school students explore and deal with the social issues and pressures of growing up.
Our Youth Choices Theatre in Education programs are available to WA regional and remote schools subject to funding.
For more information about our Theatre in Education tours please contact our Arts and Education Coordinator.
What Next?
For more information about our secondary schools Theatre in Education tours please contact our Arts and Education Coordinator.