Holiday Cheer and Back-to-Basics Safety: Be Street Smart


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Diane Ainsworth
9272 0006  / 041 2000 606

pedestrian crossing sign

As December is here, so too comes the big countdown to Christmas and the summer school holidays. Children are abuzz with excitement of what is to come as parents and carers busily juggle the festive demands of the holiday season. Whilst it is the season to be jolly, it can also be a chaos-filled time.

With more people on the road, holiday crowds to contend with and parents and carers managing work commitments, it’s a good idea to ensure children are aware of some basic safety tips.

It’s important not to underestimate the value of teaching children about simple safety rules to help keep themselves, siblings and friends safe this holiday season. With a few enlightening conversations, you can help your kids avoid potentially dangerous situations and reduce the worry so you can enjoy a stress-free holiday too.

Here are some helpful ways to educate your kids without overwhelming them.

Be Street Smart

  • Take your kids on a road safety adventure!
    Tour your neighbourhood together on foot or wheels, reminding your kids of road rules as you go. Along the way and if it’s safe to do so, you could stop at key road safety landmarks like pedestrian crossings and ask them if they know what they should do. If they don’t know, explain the process to them and quiz them again later.
  • Constable Care says,Stop, look, listen and think before you cross the road”.
    Get your children engaged in the process of crossing the road safely.  Take two large steps back from the road and tell younger children they must always wait a safe distance from the curb and wait for an adult before crossing. Ask them if they think where they have stopped is a good place to cross, or if they can see a better option.  Allow them to help you check for traffic in both directions and tell you if it’s clear. Help them to also understand they need to listen to their surroundings for extra safety clues. By empowering children and involving them in the process, they are more likely to be more receptive to learning.
  • Bring them to our Road Safety School!
    Teaching your kids about road safety through a realistic and fun, yet safe experience is a high impact way of making them aware of some of the key risks. Constable Care Foundation runs Safety School sessions during the holidays. Our experiential learning centre is the only one of its kind in Western Australia and teaches children aged 4 – 12 years vital skills on how to stay safe on the road. To find out more about what we offer, visit:

Next up ➡️ Holiday Cheer and Back-to-Basics Safety: Independent Teens