Related Programs
For many young people, a night out in the city centre promises an evening of fun and excitement but there are risks too.

Led by a WA Police Officer and a Constable Care Foundation assistant, tours highlight how relatively safe areas during the day become riskier when darkness falls.
The three-hour evening educational walking tours of the Perth CBD, and adjacent entertainment precincts, provides young people with the knowledge, skills and confidence to stay safe when venturing out.
Key Information
When: Mon – Thurs weeknights, commencing at 5.30pm and finishing at 8.30pm
How: By arrangement. Interested schools should contact CCF to make a booking
Who: A maximum of 30 students, parents and teachers (in total) per group, with groups led by a WA Police Officer and support from a trained Youth Choices tour assistant
Where: A group meeting point in the city will be advised upon booking
Cost: The regular cost is $550.00 +GST
Wear: Walking shoes, long sleeves/long pants and consider bringing warmer clothes if likely to be cold
All schools and students must agree to take part in a pre/post tour and follow up evaluation process.
Each tour comes with a full Teacher Resource Kit, including full lesson plans.
What Next?
Please be advised this experience contains coarse language and depictions of violence.
Watch a short overview of this campaign
To book a City After Dark tour please contact us below.