This film address the topic of family pressure as the story depicts a child who is having...
The film addresses the topic of being stalked. As the film progresses, the individual begins to get...
‘Solace’ scopes out the issues of a person uncertain about their sexual orientation that leads to relationship...
‘How Could You Be So Stupid’ shows relationship issues with a parent due to poor school test...
The film, ‘Get Out’ focuses on abusive relationships and the ‘red flags’ associated with abusive behaviour, both...
‘Silenced’ focuses on mental and physical abuse witnessed in a domestic environment. The protagonist watches as her...
The film focuses on members of a family who are or have suffered bullying and then normalises...
Make A Wish shows the effects that abusive parents and toxic households can have on young minds....
Silenced is a short film outlining how the stresses of toxic, manipulative, two faced friendships can deeply...