amy doherty

Amy is responsible for the management of all digital marketing channels and supporting marketing collateral, and is integral in the delivery of partnered projects such as the Youth Choices Film Competition and the Rail Safety Week Competition. She works closely with all departments at Constable Care Foundation to ensure high levels of brand integrity and communication is reflected in stakeholder relationships.

Amy brings a skillset gained from experience across multiple disciplines, such as B2B & B2C marketing, public relations, graphic design, copywriting, and stakeholder engagement. Working in not-for-profit and charitable organisations has pushed Amy to find creative approaches to marketing and communications, and has shaped her drive and passion for client-side marketing and design. She cares about the user experience and creates with that in mind, believing that good design isn’t about being complicated, but being accessible.

Outside of her day-to-day responsibilities, Amy credits the strong leadership and good workplace culture, as well as her alignment to the values of the organisation, to her ongoing enjoyment of being a part of Constable Care Foundation.